Source code for openlp.plugins.songs.forms.songmaintenanceform

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# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection                                      #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2017 OpenLP Developers                                   #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it     #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free  #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.                              #
#                                                                             #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or       #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for    #
# more details.                                                               #
#                                                                             #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along     #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59  #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA                          #
import logging

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
from sqlalchemy.sql import and_

from openlp.core.common import Registry, RegistryProperties, UiStrings, translate
from openlp.core.lib.ui import critical_error_message_box
from openlp.core.common.languagemanager import get_natural_key
from openlp.plugins.songs.forms.authorsform import AuthorsForm
from openlp.plugins.songs.forms.topicsform import TopicsForm
from openlp.plugins.songs.forms.songbookform import SongBookForm
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib.db import Author, Book, Topic, Song
from .songmaintenancedialog import Ui_SongMaintenanceDialog

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SongMaintenanceForm(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_SongMaintenanceDialog, RegistryProperties): """ Class documentation goes here. """ def __init__(self, manager, parent=None): """ Constructor """ super(SongMaintenanceForm, self).__init__(parent, QtCore.Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | QtCore.Qt.WindowTitleHint) self.setupUi(self) self.manager = manager self.author_form = AuthorsForm(self) self.topic_form = TopicsForm(self) self.song_book_form = SongBookForm(self) # Disable all edit and delete buttons, as there is no row selected. self.delete_author_button.setEnabled(False) self.edit_author_button.setEnabled(False) self.delete_topic_button.setEnabled(False) self.edit_topic_button.setEnabled(False) self.delete_book_button.setEnabled(False) self.edit_book_button.setEnabled(False) # Signals self.add_author_button.clicked.connect(self.on_add_author_button_clicked) self.add_topic_button.clicked.connect(self.on_add_topic_button_clicked) self.add_book_button.clicked.connect(self.on_add_book_button_clicked) self.edit_author_button.clicked.connect(self.on_edit_author_button_clicked) self.edit_topic_button.clicked.connect(self.on_edit_topic_button_clicked) self.edit_book_button.clicked.connect(self.on_edit_book_button_clicked) self.delete_author_button.clicked.connect(self.on_delete_author_button_clicked) self.delete_topic_button.clicked.connect(self.on_delete_topic_button_clicked) self.delete_book_button.clicked.connect(self.on_delete_book_button_clicked) self.authors_list_widget.currentRowChanged.connect(self.on_authors_list_row_changed) self.topics_list_widget.currentRowChanged.connect(self.on_topics_list_row_changed) self.song_books_list_widget.currentRowChanged.connect(self.on_song_books_list_row_changed)
[docs] def exec(self, from_song_edit=False): """ Show the dialog. :param from_song_edit: Indicates if the maintenance dialog has been opened from song edit or from the media manager. Defaults to **False**. """ self.from_song_edit = from_song_edit self.type_list_widget.setCurrentRow(0) self.reset_authors() self.reset_topics() self.reset_song_books() self.type_list_widget.setFocus() return QtWidgets.QDialog.exec(self)
def _get_current_item_id(self, list_widget): """ Get the ID of the currently selected item. :param list_widget: The list widget to examine. """ item = list_widget.currentItem() if item: item_id = ( return item_id else: return -1 def _delete_item(self, item_class, list_widget, reset_func, dlg_title, del_text, err_text): """ Delete an item. """ item_id = self._get_current_item_id(list_widget) if item_id != -1: item = self.manager.get_object(item_class, item_id) if item and not item.songs: if critical_error_message_box(dlg_title, del_text, self, True) == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: self.manager.delete_object(item_class, reset_func() else: critical_error_message_box(dlg_title, err_text) else: critical_error_message_box(dlg_title, UiStrings().NISs)
[docs] def reset_authors(self): """ Reloads the Authors list. """ def get_author_key(author): """Get the key to sort by""" return get_natural_key(author.display_name) self.authors_list_widget.clear() authors = self.manager.get_all_objects(Author) authors.sort(key=get_author_key) for author in authors: if author.display_name: author_name = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(author.display_name) else: author_name = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(' '.join([author.first_name, author.last_name])) author_name.setData(QtCore.Qt.UserRole, self.authors_list_widget.addItem(author_name)
[docs] def reset_topics(self): """ Reloads the Topics list. """ def get_topic_key(topic): """Get the key to sort by""" return get_natural_key( self.topics_list_widget.clear() topics = self.manager.get_all_objects(Topic) topics.sort(key=get_topic_key) for topic in topics: topic_name = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem( topic_name.setData(QtCore.Qt.UserRole, self.topics_list_widget.addItem(topic_name)
[docs] def reset_song_books(self): """ Reloads the Books list. """ def get_book_key(book): """Get the key to sort by""" return get_natural_key( self.song_books_list_widget.clear() books = self.manager.get_all_objects(Book) books.sort(key=get_book_key) for book in books: book_name = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem('{name} ({publisher})'.format(, publisher=book.publisher)) book_name.setData(QtCore.Qt.UserRole, self.song_books_list_widget.addItem(book_name)
[docs] def check_author_exists(self, new_author, edit=False): """ Returns *False* if the given Author already exists, otherwise *True*. :param new_author: The new Author. :param edit: Are we editing the song? """ authors = self.manager.get_all_objects( Author, and_( Author.first_name == new_author.first_name, Author.last_name == new_author.last_name, Author.display_name == new_author.display_name ) ) return self._check_object_exists(authors, new_author, edit)
[docs] def check_topic_exists(self, new_topic, edit=False): """ Returns *False* if the given Topic already exists, otherwise *True*. :param new_topic: The new Topic. :param edit: Are we editing the song? """ topics = self.manager.get_all_objects(Topic, == return self._check_object_exists(topics, new_topic, edit)
[docs] def check_song_book_exists(self, new_book, edit=False): """ Returns *False* if the given Topic already exists, otherwise *True*. :param new_book: The new Book. :param edit: Are we editing the song? """ books = self.manager.get_all_objects( Book, and_( ==, Book.publisher == new_book.publisher)) return self._check_object_exists(books, new_book, edit)
def _check_object_exists(self, existing_objects, new_object, edit): """ Utility method to check for an existing object. :param existing_objects: The objects reference :param new_object: An individual object :param edit: If we edit an item, this should be *True*. """ if existing_objects: # If we edit an existing object, we need to make sure that we do # not return False when nothing has changed. if edit: for existing_object in existing_objects: if != return False return True else: return False else: return True
[docs] def on_add_author_button_clicked(self): """ Add an author to the list. """ self.author_form.auto_display_name = True if self.author_form.exec(): author = Author.populate( first_name=self.author_form.first_name, last_name=self.author_form.last_name, display_name=self.author_form.display_name ) if self.check_author_exists(author): if self.manager.save_object(author): self.reset_authors() else: critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Could not add your author.')) else: critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'This author already exists.'))
[docs] def on_add_topic_button_clicked(self): """ Add a topic to the list. """ if self.topic_form.exec(): topic = Topic.populate( if self.check_topic_exists(topic): if self.manager.save_object(topic): self.reset_topics() else: critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Could not add your topic.')) else: critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'This topic already exists.'))
[docs] def on_add_book_button_clicked(self): """ Add a book to the list. """ if self.song_book_form.exec(): book = Book.populate(name=self.song_book_form.name_edit.text(), publisher=self.song_book_form.publisher_edit.text()) if self.check_song_book_exists(book): if self.manager.save_object(book): self.reset_song_books() else: critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Could not add your book.')) else: critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'This book already exists.'))
[docs] def on_edit_author_button_clicked(self): """ Edit an author. """ author_id = self._get_current_item_id(self.authors_list_widget) if author_id == -1: return author = self.manager.get_object(Author, author_id) self.author_form.auto_display_name = False self.author_form.first_name_edit.setText(author.first_name) self.author_form.last_name_edit.setText(author.last_name) self.author_form.display_edit.setText(author.display_name) # Save the author's first and last name as well as the display name # for the case that they have to be restored. temp_first_name = author.first_name temp_last_name = author.last_name temp_display_name = author.display_name if self.author_form.exec(False): author.first_name = self.author_form.first_name_edit.text() author.last_name = self.author_form.last_name_edit.text() author.display_name = self.author_form.display_edit.text() if self.check_author_exists(author, True): if self.manager.save_object(author): self.reset_authors() if not self.from_song_edit: Registry().execute('songs_load_list') else: critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Could not save your changes.')) elif critical_error_message_box( message=translate( 'SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'The author {original} already exists. Would you like to make songs with author {new} use the ' 'existing author {original}?').format(original=author.display_name, new=temp_display_name), parent=self, question=True) == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: self._merge_objects(author, self.merge_authors, self.reset_authors) else: # We restore the author's old first and last name as well as # his display name. author.first_name = temp_first_name author.last_name = temp_last_name author.display_name = temp_display_name critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Could not save your modified author, because the author already exists.'))
[docs] def on_edit_topic_button_clicked(self): """ Edit a topic. """ topic_id = self._get_current_item_id(self.topics_list_widget) if topic_id == -1: return topic = self.manager.get_object(Topic, topic_id) = # Save the topic's name for the case that he has to be restored. temp_name = if self.topic_form.exec(False): = self.topic_form.name_edit.text() if self.check_topic_exists(topic, True): if self.manager.save_object(topic): self.reset_topics() else: critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Could not save your changes.')) elif critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'The topic {original} already exists. Would you like to make songs with ' 'topic {new} use the existing topic {original}?').format(, new=temp_name), parent=self, question=True) == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: self._merge_objects(topic, self.merge_topics, self.reset_topics) else: # We restore the topics's old name. = temp_name critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Could not save your modified topic, because it already exists.'))
[docs] def on_edit_book_button_clicked(self): """ Edit a book. """ book_id = self._get_current_item_id(self.song_books_list_widget) if book_id == -1: return book = self.manager.get_object(Book, book_id) if book.publisher is None: book.publisher = '' self.song_book_form.name_edit.setText( self.song_book_form.publisher_edit.setText(book.publisher) # Save the book's name and publisher for the case that they have to # be restored. temp_name = temp_publisher = book.publisher if self.song_book_form.exec(False): = self.song_book_form.name_edit.text() book.publisher = self.song_book_form.publisher_edit.text() if self.check_song_book_exists(book, True): if self.manager.save_object(book): self.reset_song_books() else: critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Could not save your changes.')) elif critical_error_message_box( message=translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'The book {original} already exists. Would you like to make songs with ' 'book {new} use the existing book {original}?').format(, new=temp_name), parent=self, question=True) == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: self._merge_objects(book, self.merge_song_books, self.reset_song_books) else: # We restore the book's old name and publisher. = temp_name book.publisher = temp_publisher
def _merge_objects(self, db_object, merge, reset): """ Utility method to merge two objects to leave one in the database. """ self.application.set_busy_cursor() merge(db_object) reset() if not self.from_song_edit: Registry().execute('songs_load_list') self.application.set_normal_cursor()
[docs] def merge_authors(self, old_author): """ Merges two authors into one author. :param old_author: The object, which was edited, that will be deleted """ # Find the duplicate. existing_author = self.manager.get_object_filtered( Author, and_( Author.first_name == old_author.first_name, Author.last_name == old_author.last_name, Author.display_name == old_author.display_name, != ) ) # Find the songs, which have the old_author as author. songs = self.manager.get_all_objects(Song, Song.authors.contains(old_author)) for song in songs: for author_song in song.authors_songs: song.add_author(existing_author, author_song.author_type) song.remove_author(old_author, author_song.author_type) self.manager.save_object(song) self.manager.delete_object(Author,
[docs] def merge_topics(self, old_topic): """ Merges two topics into one topic. :param old_topic: The object, which was edited, that will be deleted """ # Find the duplicate. existing_topic = self.manager.get_object_filtered( Topic, and_( ==, != ) # Find the songs, which have the old_topic as topic. songs = self.manager.get_all_objects(Song, Song.topics.contains(old_topic)) for song in songs: # We check if the song has already existing_topic as topic. If that # is not the case we add it. if existing_topic not in song.topics: song.topics.append(existing_topic) song.topics.remove(old_topic) self.manager.save_object(song) self.manager.delete_object(Topic,
[docs] def merge_song_books(self, old_song_book): """ Merges two books into one book. ``old_song_book`` The object, which was edited, that will be deleted """ # Find the duplicate. existing_book = self.manager.get_object_filtered( Book, and_( ==, Book.publisher == old_song_book.publisher, != ) ) # Find the songs, which have the old_song_book as book. songs = self.manager.get_all_objects(Song, Song.song_book_id == for song in songs: song.song_book_id = self.manager.save_object(song) self.manager.delete_object(Book,
[docs] def on_delete_author_button_clicked(self): """ Delete the author if the author is not attached to any songs. """ self._delete_item(Author, self.authors_list_widget, self.reset_authors, translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Delete Author'), translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected author?'), translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'This author cannot be deleted, they are currently assigned to at least one song' '.'))
[docs] def on_delete_topic_button_clicked(self): """ Delete the Book if the Book is not attached to any songs. """ self._delete_item(Topic, self.topics_list_widget, self.reset_topics, translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Delete Topic'), translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected topic?'), translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'This topic cannot be deleted, it is currently assigned to at least one song.'))
[docs] def on_delete_book_button_clicked(self): """ Delete the Book if the Book is not attached to any songs. """ self._delete_item(Book, self.song_books_list_widget, self.reset_song_books, translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Delete Book'), translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected book?'), translate('SongsPlugin.SongMaintenanceForm', 'This book cannot be deleted, it is currently assigned to at least one song.'))
[docs] def on_authors_list_row_changed(self, row): """ Called when the *authors_list_widget*'s current row has changed. """ self._row_change(row, self.edit_author_button, self.delete_author_button)
[docs] def on_topics_list_row_changed(self, row): """ Called when the *topics_list_widget*'s current row has changed. """ self._row_change(row, self.edit_topic_button, self.delete_topic_button)
[docs] def on_song_books_list_row_changed(self, row): """ Called when the *song_books_list_widget*'s current row has changed. """ self._row_change(row, self.edit_book_button, self.delete_book_button)
def _row_change(self, row, edit_button, delete_button): """ Utility method to toggle if buttons are enabled. ``row`` The current row. If there is no current row, the value is -1. """ if row == -1: delete_button.setEnabled(False) edit_button.setEnabled(False) else: delete_button.setEnabled(True) edit_button.setEnabled(True)