Source code for openlp.plugins.custom.forms.editcustomform

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# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection                                      #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2017 OpenLP Developers                                   #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it     #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free  #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.                              #
#                                                                             #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or       #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for    #
# more details.                                                               #
#                                                                             #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along     #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59  #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA                          #

import logging

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets

from openlp.core.common import Registry, translate
from openlp.core.lib.ui import critical_error_message_box, find_and_set_in_combo_box
from openlp.plugins.custom.lib import CustomXMLBuilder, CustomXMLParser
from openlp.plugins.custom.lib.db import CustomSlide
from .editcustomdialog import Ui_CustomEditDialog
from .editcustomslideform import EditCustomSlideForm

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EditCustomForm(QtWidgets.QDialog, Ui_CustomEditDialog): """ Class documentation goes here. """'Custom Editor loaded') def __init__(self, media_item, parent, manager): """ Constructor """ super(EditCustomForm, self).__init__(parent, QtCore.Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | QtCore.Qt.WindowTitleHint) self.manager = manager self.media_item = media_item self.setupUi(self) # Create other objects and forms. self.edit_slide_form = EditCustomSlideForm(self) # Connecting signals and slots self.preview_button.clicked.connect(self.on_preview_button_clicked) self.add_button.clicked.connect(self.on_add_button_clicked) self.edit_button.clicked.connect(self.on_edit_button_clicked) self.edit_all_button.clicked.connect(self.on_edit_all_button_clicked) self.slide_list_view.currentRowChanged.connect(self.on_current_row_changed) self.slide_list_view.doubleClicked.connect(self.on_edit_button_clicked) Registry().register_function('theme_update_list', self.load_themes)
[docs] def load_themes(self, theme_list): """ Load a list of themes into the themes combo box. :param theme_list: The list of themes to load. """ self.theme_combo_box.clear() self.theme_combo_box.addItem('') self.theme_combo_box.addItems(theme_list)
[docs] def load_custom(self, id, preview=False): """ Called when editing or creating a new custom. :param id: The custom's id. If zero, then a new custom is created. :param preview: States whether the custom is edited while being previewed in the preview panel. """ self.slide_list_view.clear() if id == 0: self.custom_slide = CustomSlide() self.title_edit.setText('') self.credit_edit.setText('') self.theme_combo_box.setCurrentIndex(0) else: self.custom_slide = self.manager.get_object(CustomSlide, id) self.title_edit.setText(self.custom_slide.title) self.credit_edit.setText(self.custom_slide.credits) custom_xml = CustomXMLParser(self.custom_slide.text) slide_list = custom_xml.get_verses() self.slide_list_view.addItems([slide[1] for slide in slide_list]) theme = self.custom_slide.theme_name find_and_set_in_combo_box(self.theme_combo_box, theme) self.title_edit.setFocus() # If not preview hide the preview button. self.preview_button.setVisible(preview)
[docs] def accept(self): """ Override the QDialog method to check if the custom slide has been saved before closing the dialog. """ log.debug('accept') if self.save_custom(): QtWidgets.QDialog.accept(self)
[docs] def save_custom(self): """ Saves the custom. """ if not self._validate(): return False sxml = CustomXMLBuilder() for count in range(self.slide_list_view.count()): sxml.add_verse_to_lyrics('custom', str(count + 1), self.slide_list_view.item(count).text()) self.custom_slide.title = self.title_edit.text() self.custom_slide.text = str(sxml.extract_xml(), 'utf-8') self.custom_slide.credits = self.credit_edit.text() self.custom_slide.theme_name = self.theme_combo_box.currentText() success = self.manager.save_object(self.custom_slide) self.media_item.auto_select_id = return success
[docs] def on_up_button_clicked(self): """ Move a slide up in the list when the "Up" button is clicked. """ selected_row = self.slide_list_view.currentRow() if selected_row != 0: qw = self.slide_list_view.takeItem(selected_row) self.slide_list_view.insertItem(selected_row - 1, qw) self.slide_list_view.setCurrentRow(selected_row - 1)
[docs] def on_down_button_clicked(self): """ Move a slide down in the list when the "Down" button is clicked. """ selected_row = self.slide_list_view.currentRow() # zero base arrays if selected_row != self.slide_list_view.count() - 1: qw = self.slide_list_view.takeItem(selected_row) self.slide_list_view.insertItem(selected_row + 1, qw) self.slide_list_view.setCurrentRow(selected_row + 1)
[docs] def on_add_button_clicked(self): """ Add a new blank slide. """ self.edit_slide_form.set_text('') if self.edit_slide_form.exec(): self.slide_list_view.addItems(self.edit_slide_form.get_text())
[docs] def on_edit_button_clicked(self): """ Edit the currently selected slide. """ self.edit_slide_form.set_text(self.slide_list_view.currentItem().text()) if self.edit_slide_form.exec(): self.update_slide_list(self.edit_slide_form.get_text())
[docs] def on_edit_all_button_clicked(self): """ Edits all slides. """ slide_text = '' for row in range(self.slide_list_view.count()): item = self.slide_list_view.item(row) slide_text += item.text() if row != self.slide_list_view.count() - 1: slide_text += '\n[===]\n' self.edit_slide_form.set_text(slide_text) if self.edit_slide_form.exec(): self.update_slide_list(self.edit_slide_form.get_text(), True)
[docs] def on_preview_button_clicked(self): """ Save the custom item and preview it. """ log.debug('onPreview') if self.save_custom(): Registry().execute('custom_preview')
[docs] def update_slide_list(self, slides, edit_all=False): """ Updates the slide list after editing slides. :param slides: A list of all slides which have been edited. :param edit_all: Indicates if all slides or only one slide has been edited. """ if edit_all: self.slide_list_view.clear() self.slide_list_view.addItems(slides) else: old_row = self.slide_list_view.currentRow() # Create a list with all (old/unedited) slides. old_slides = [self.slide_list_view.item(row).text() for row in range(self.slide_list_view.count())] self.slide_list_view.clear() old_slides.pop(old_row) # Insert all slides to make the old_slides list complete. for slide in slides: old_slides.insert(old_row, slide) old_row += 1 self.slide_list_view.addItems(old_slides) self.slide_list_view.repaint()
[docs] def on_delete_button_clicked(self): """ Removes the current row from the list. """ self.slide_list_view.takeItem(self.slide_list_view.currentRow()) self.on_current_row_changed(self.slide_list_view.currentRow())
[docs] def on_current_row_changed(self, row): """ Called when the *slide_list_view*'s current row has been changed. This enables or disables buttons which require an slide to act on. :param row: The row (int). If there is no current row, the value is -1. """ if row == -1: self.delete_button.setEnabled(False) self.edit_button.setEnabled(False) self.up_button.setEnabled(False) self.down_button.setEnabled(False) else: self.delete_button.setEnabled(True) self.edit_button.setEnabled(True) # Decide if the up/down buttons should be enabled or not. self.down_button.setEnabled(self.slide_list_view.count() - 1 != row) self.up_button.setEnabled(row != 0)
def _validate(self): """ Checks whether a custom is valid or not. """ # We must have a title. if not self.title_edit.displayText(): self.title_edit.setFocus() critical_error_message_box(message=translate('CustomPlugin.EditCustomForm', 'You need to type in a title.')) return False # We must have at least one slide. if self.slide_list_view.count() == 0: critical_error_message_box(message=translate('CustomPlugin.EditCustomForm', 'You need to add at least one slide.')) return False return True