Source code for openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.manager

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# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection                                      #
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# Copyright (c) 2008-2017 OpenLP Developers                                   #
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it     #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free  #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.                              #
#                                                                             #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or       #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for    #
# more details.                                                               #
#                                                                             #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along     #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59  #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA                          #

import logging
import os

from openlp.core.common import AppLocation, OpenLPMixin, RegistryProperties, Settings, translate, delete_file, UiStrings
from openlp.plugins.bibles.lib import LanguageSelection, parse_reference
from openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.db import BibleDB, BibleMeta
from .importers.csvbible import CSVBible
from .importers.http import HTTPBible
from .importers.opensong import OpenSongBible
from .importers.osis import OSISBible
from .importers.zefania import ZefaniaBible
from .importers.wordproject import WordProjectBible
    from .importers.sword import SwordBible

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BibleFormat(object): """ This is a special enumeration class that holds the various types of Bibles. """ Unknown = -1 OSIS = 0 CSV = 1 OpenSong = 2 WebDownload = 3 Zefania = 4 SWORD = 5 WordProject = 6
[docs] @staticmethod def get_class(bible_format): """ Return the appropriate implementation class. :param bible_format: The Bible format. """ if bible_format == BibleFormat.OSIS: return OSISBible elif bible_format == BibleFormat.CSV: return CSVBible elif bible_format == BibleFormat.OpenSong: return OpenSongBible elif bible_format == BibleFormat.WebDownload: return HTTPBible elif bible_format == BibleFormat.Zefania: return ZefaniaBible elif bible_format == BibleFormat.SWORD: return SwordBible elif bible_format == BibleFormat.WordProject: return WordProjectBible else: return None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_formats_list(): """ Return a list of the supported Bible formats. """ return [ BibleFormat.OSIS, BibleFormat.CSV, BibleFormat.OpenSong, BibleFormat.WebDownload, BibleFormat.Zefania, BibleFormat.SWORD, BibleFormat.WordProject ]
class BibleManager(OpenLPMixin, RegistryProperties): """ The Bible manager which holds and manages all the Bibles. """'Bible manager loaded') def __init__(self, parent): """ Finds all the bibles defined for the system and creates an interface object for each bible containing connection information. Throws Exception if no Bibles are found. Init confirms the bible exists and stores the database path. """ log.debug('Bible Initialising') self.parent = parent self.settings_section = 'bibles' self.web = 'Web' self.db_cache = None self.path = AppLocation.get_section_data_path(self.settings_section) self.proxy_name = Settings().value(self.settings_section + '/proxy name') self.suffix = '.sqlite' self.import_wizard = None self.reload_bibles() = None def reload_bibles(self): """ Reloads the Bibles from the available Bible databases on disk. If a web Bible is encountered, an instance of HTTPBible is loaded instead of the BibleDB class. """ log.debug('Reload bibles') files = AppLocation.get_files(self.settings_section, self.suffix) if 'alternative_book_names.sqlite' in files: files.remove('alternative_book_names.sqlite') log.debug('Bible Files {text}'.format(text=files)) self.db_cache = {} for filename in files: bible = BibleDB(self.parent, path=self.path, file=filename) if not bible.session: continue name = bible.get_name() # Remove corrupted files. if name is None: bible.session.close_all() delete_file(os.path.join(self.path, filename)) continue log.debug('Bible Name: "{name}"'.format(name=name)) self.db_cache[name] = bible # Look to see if lazy load bible exists and get create getter. source = self.db_cache[name].get_object(BibleMeta, 'download_source') if source: download_name = self.db_cache[name].get_object(BibleMeta, 'download_name').value meta_proxy = self.db_cache[name].get_object(BibleMeta, 'proxy_server') web_bible = HTTPBible(self.parent, path=self.path, file=filename, download_source=source.value, download_name=download_name) if meta_proxy: web_bible.proxy_server = meta_proxy.value self.db_cache[name] = web_bible log.debug('Bibles reloaded') def set_process_dialog(self, wizard): """ Sets the reference to the dialog with the progress bar on it. :param wizard: The reference to the import wizard. """ self.import_wizard = wizard def import_bible(self, type, **kwargs): """ Register a bible in the bible cache, and then import the verses. :param type: What type of Bible, one of the ``BibleFormat`` values. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to send to the actual importer class. """ class_ = BibleFormat.get_class(type) kwargs['path'] = self.path importer = class_(self.parent, **kwargs) name = importer.register(self.import_wizard) self.db_cache[name] = importer return importer def delete_bible(self, name): """ Delete a bible completely. :param name: The name of the bible. """ log.debug('BibleManager.delete_bible("{name}")'.format(name=name)) bible = self.db_cache[name] bible.session.close_all() bible.session = None return delete_file(os.path.join(bible.path, bible.file)) def get_bibles(self): """ Returns a dict with all available Bibles. """ log.debug('get_bibles') return self.db_cache def get_books(self, bible): """ Returns a list of Bible books, and the number of chapters in that book. :param bible: Unicode. The Bible to get the list of books from. """ log.debug('BibleManager.get_books("{bible}")'.format(bible=bible)) return [ { 'name':, 'book_reference_id': book.book_reference_id, 'chapters': self.db_cache[bible].get_chapter_count(book) } for book in self.db_cache[bible].get_books() ] def get_book_by_id(self, bible, id): """ Returns a book object by given id. :param bible: Unicode. The Bible to get the list of books from. :param id: Unicode. The book_reference_id to get the book for. """ log.debug('BibleManager.get_book_by_id("{bible}", "{ref}")'.format(bible=bible, ref=id)) return self.db_cache[bible].get_book_by_book_ref_id(id) def get_chapter_count(self, bible, book): """ Returns the number of Chapters for a given book. :param bible: Unicode. The Bible to get the list of books from. :param book: The book object to get the chapter count for. """ log.debug('BibleManager.get_book_chapter_count ("{bible}", "{name}")'.format(bible=bible, return self.db_cache[bible].get_chapter_count(book) def get_verse_count(self, bible, book, chapter): """ Returns all the number of verses for a given book and chapterMaxBibleBookVerses. """ log.debug('BibleManager.get_verse_count("{bible}", "{book}", {chapter})'.format(bible=bible, book=book, chapter=chapter)) language_selection = self.get_language_selection(bible) book_ref_id = self.db_cache[bible].get_book_ref_id_by_localised_name(book, language_selection) return self.db_cache[bible].get_verse_count(book_ref_id, chapter) def get_verse_count_by_book_ref_id(self, bible, book_ref_id, chapter): """ Returns all the number of verses for a given book_ref_id and chapterMaxBibleBookVerses. """ log.debug('BibleManager.get_verse_count_by_book_ref_id("{bible}", ' '"{book}", "{chapter}")'.format(bible=bible, book=book_ref_id, chapter=chapter)) return self.db_cache[bible].get_verse_count(book_ref_id, chapter) def parse_ref(self, bible, reference_text, book_ref_id=False): if not bible: return language_selection = self.get_language_selection(bible) return parse_reference(reference_text, self.db_cache[bible], language_selection, book_ref_id) def get_verses(self, bible, ref_list, show_error=True): """ Parses a scripture reference, fetches the verses from the Bible specified, and returns a list of ``Verse`` objects. :param bible: Unicode. The Bible to use. :param verse_text: String. The scripture reference. Valid scripture references are: - Genesis 1 - Genesis 1-2 - Genesis 1:1 - Genesis 1:1-10 - Genesis 1:1-10,15-20 - Genesis 1:1-2:10 - Genesis 1:1-10,2:1-10 :param book_ref_id: Unicode. The book reference id from the book in verse_text. For second bible this is necessary. :param show_error: """ if not bible or not ref_list: return None return self.db_cache[bible].get_verses(ref_list, show_error) def get_language_selection(self, bible): """ Returns the language selection of a bible. :param bible: Unicode. The Bible to get the language selection from. """ log.debug('BibleManager.get_language_selection("{bible}")'.format(bible=bible)) language_selection = self.get_meta_data(bible, 'book_name_language') if not language_selection or language_selection.value == "None" or language_selection.value == "-1": # If None is returned, it's not the singleton object but a # BibleMeta object with the value "None" language_selection = Settings().value(self.settings_section + '/book name language') else: language_selection = language_selection.value try: language_selection = int(language_selection) except (ValueError, TypeError): language_selection = LanguageSelection.Application return language_selection def verse_search(self, bible, text): """ Does a verse search for the given bible and text. :param bible: The bible to search in (unicode). :param second_bible: The second bible (unicode). We do not search in this bible. :param text: The text to search for (unicode). """ log.debug('BibleManager.verse_search("{bible}", "{text}")'.format(bible=bible, text=text)) # If no bibles are installed, message is given. if not bible: self.main_window.information_message( UiStrings().BibleNoBiblesTitle, UiStrings().BibleNoBibles) return None # Check if the bible or second_bible is a web bible. web_bible = self.db_cache[bible].get_object(BibleMeta, 'download_source') if web_bible: # If either Bible is Web, cursor is reset to normal and message is given. self.application.set_normal_cursor() self.main_window.information_message( translate('BiblesPlugin.BibleManager', 'Web Bible cannot be used in Text Search'), translate('BiblesPlugin.BibleManager', 'Text Search is not available with Web Bibles.\n' 'Please use the Scripture Reference Search instead.\n\n' 'This means that the currently selected Bible is a Web Bible.') ) return None # Shorter than 3 char searches break OpenLP with very long search times, thus they are blocked. if len(text) - text.count(' ') < 3: return None # Fetch the results from db. If no results are found, return None, no message is given for this. elif text: return self.db_cache[bible].verse_search(text) else: return None def verse_search_while_typing(self, bible, second_bible, text): """ Does a verse search for the given bible and text. This is used during "Search while typing" It's the same thing as the normal text search, but it does not show the web Bible error. (It would result in the error popping every time a char is entered or removed) It also does not have a minimum text len, this is set in :param bible: The bible to search in (unicode). :param second_bible: The second bible (unicode). We do not search in this bible. :param text: The text to search for (unicode). """ # If no bibles are installed, message is given. if not bible: return None # Check if the bible or second_bible is a web bible. web_bible = self.db_cache[bible].get_object(BibleMeta, 'download_source') second_web_bible = '' if second_bible: second_web_bible = self.db_cache[second_bible].get_object(BibleMeta, 'download_source') if web_bible or second_web_bible: # If either Bible is Web, cursor is reset to normal and search ends w/o any message. self.application.set_normal_cursor() return None # Fetch the results from db. If no results are found, return None, no message is given for this. elif text: return self.db_cache[bible].verse_search(text) else: return None def process_verse_range(self, book_ref_id, chapter_from, verse_from, chapter_to, verse_to): verse_ranges = [] for chapter in range(chapter_from, chapter_to + 1): if chapter == chapter_from: start_verse = verse_from else: start_verse = 1 if chapter == chapter_to: end_verse = verse_to else: end_verse = -1 verse_ranges.append((book_ref_id, chapter, start_verse, end_verse)) return verse_ranges def save_meta_data(self, bible, version, copyright, permissions, full_license, book_name_language=None): """ Saves the bibles meta data. """ log.debug('save_meta data {bible}, {version}, {copyright},' ' {perms}, {full_license}'.format(bible=bible, version=version, copyright=copyright, perms=permissions, full_license=full_license)) self.db_cache[bible].save_meta('name', version) self.db_cache[bible].save_meta('copyright', copyright) self.db_cache[bible].save_meta('permissions', permissions) self.db_cache[bible].save_meta('full_license', full_license) self.db_cache[bible].save_meta('book_name_language', book_name_language) def get_meta_data(self, bible, key): """ Returns the meta data for a given key. """ log.debug('get_meta {bible},{key}'.format(bible=bible, key=key)) return self.db_cache[bible].get_object(BibleMeta, key) def update_book(self, bible, book): """ Update a book of the bible. """ log.debug('BibleManager.update_book("{bible}", "{name}")'.format(bible=bible, self.db_cache[bible].update_book(book) def exists(self, name): """ Check cache to see if new bible. """ if not isinstance(name, str): name = str(name) for bible in list(self.db_cache.keys()): log.debug('Bible from cache in is_new_bible {bible}'.format(bible=bible)) if not isinstance(bible, str): bible = str(bible) if bible == name: return True return False def finalise(self): """ Loop through the databases to VACUUM them. """ for bible in self.db_cache: self.db_cache[bible].finalise() __all__ = ['BibleFormat']