Source code for openlp.core.lib.formattingtags

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# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection                                      #
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# Copyright (c) 2008-2017 OpenLP Developers                                   #
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it     #
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# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.                              #
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along     #
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Provide HTML Tag management and Formatting Tag access class
import json

from openlp.core.common import Settings
from openlp.core.lib import translate

[docs]class FormattingTags(object): """ Static Class for HTML Tags to be access around the code the list is managed by the Options Tab. """ html_expands = []
[docs] @staticmethod def get_html_tags(): """ Provide access to the html_expands list. """ return FormattingTags.html_expands
[docs] @staticmethod def save_html_tags(new_tags): """ Saves all formatting tags except protected ones `new_tags` The tags to be saved.. """ # Formatting Tags were also known as display tags. Settings().setValue('formattingTags/html_tags', json.dumps(new_tags) if new_tags else '')
[docs] @staticmethod def load_tags(): """ Load the Tags from store so can be used in the system or used to update the display. """ temporary_tags = [tag for tag in FormattingTags.html_expands if tag.get('temporary')] FormattingTags.html_expands = [] base_tags = [] # Append the base tags. base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Red'), 'start tag': '{r}', 'start html': '<span style="-webkit-text-fill-color:red">', 'end tag': '{/r}', 'end html': '</span>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Black'), 'start tag': '{b}', 'start html': '<span style="-webkit-text-fill-color:black">', 'end tag': '{/b}', 'end html': '</span>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Blue'), 'start tag': '{bl}', 'start html': '<span style="-webkit-text-fill-color:blue">', 'end tag': '{/bl}', 'end html': '</span>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Yellow'), 'start tag': '{y}', 'start html': '<span style="-webkit-text-fill-color:yellow">', 'end tag': '{/y}', 'end html': '</span>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Green'), 'start tag': '{g}', 'start html': '<span style="-webkit-text-fill-color:green">', 'end tag': '{/g}', 'end html': '</span>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Pink'), 'start tag': '{pk}', 'start html': '<span style="-webkit-text-fill-color:#FFC0CB">', 'end tag': '{/pk}', 'end html': '</span>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Orange'), 'start tag': '{o}', 'start html': '<span style="-webkit-text-fill-color:#FFA500">', 'end tag': '{/o}', 'end html': '</span>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Purple'), 'start tag': '{pp}', 'start html': '<span style="-webkit-text-fill-color:#800080">', 'end tag': '{/pp}', 'end html': '</span>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'White'), 'start tag': '{w}', 'start html': '<span style="-webkit-text-fill-color:white">', 'end tag': '{/w}', 'end html': '</span>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Superscript'), 'start tag': '{su}', 'start html': '<sup>', 'end tag': '{/su}', 'end html': '</sup>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Subscript'), 'start tag': '{sb}', 'start html': '<sub>', 'end tag': '{/sb}', 'end html': '</sub>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Paragraph'), 'start tag': '{p}', 'start html': '<p>', 'end tag': '{/p}', 'end html': '</p>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Bold'), 'start tag': '{st}', 'start html': '<strong>', 'end tag': '{/st}', 'end html': '</strong>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Italics'), 'start tag': '{it}', 'start html': '<em>', 'end tag': '{/it}', 'end html': '</em>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Underline'), 'start tag': '{u}', 'start html': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">', 'end tag': '{/u}', 'end html': '</span>', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) base_tags.append({ 'desc': translate('OpenLP.FormattingTags', 'Break'), 'start tag': '{br}', 'start html': '<br>', 'end tag': '', 'end html': '', 'protected': True, 'temporary': False}) FormattingTags.add_html_tags(base_tags) FormattingTags.add_html_tags(temporary_tags) user_expands_string = str(Settings().value('formattingTags/html_tags')) # If we have some user ones added them as well if user_expands_string: user_tags = json.loads(user_expands_string) FormattingTags.add_html_tags(user_tags)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_html_tags(tags): """ Add a list of tags to the list. :param tags: The list with tags to add. Each **tag** has to be a ``dict`` and should have the following keys: * desc The formatting tag's description, e. g. **Red** * start tag The start tag, e. g. ``{r}`` * end tag The end tag, e. g. ``{/r}`` * start html The start html tag. For instance ``<span style="-webkit-text-fill-color:red">`` * end html The end html tag. For example ``</span>`` * protected A boolean stating whether this is a build-in tag or not. Should be ``True`` in most cases. * temporary A temporary tag will not be saved, but is also considered when displaying text containing the tag. It has to be a ``boolean``. """ FormattingTags.html_expands.extend(tags)
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_html_tag(tag_id): """ Removes an individual html_expands tag. """ FormattingTags.html_expands.pop(tag_id)