Source code for openlp.core.common.registry

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# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection                                      #
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# Copyright (c) 2008-2017 OpenLP Developers                                   #
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it     #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free  #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.                              #
#                                                                             #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or       #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for    #
# more details.                                                               #
#                                                                             #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along     #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59  #
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Provide Registry Services
import logging
import sys

from openlp.core.common import trace_error_handler

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Registry(object): """ This is the Component Registry. It is a singleton object and is used to provide a look up service for common objects. """'Registry loaded') __instance__ = None def __new__(cls): """ Re-implement the __new__ method to make sure we create a true singleton. """ if not cls.__instance__: cls.__instance__ = object.__new__(cls) return cls.__instance__
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls): """ The constructor for the component registry providing a single registry of objects. """'Registry Initialising') registry = cls() registry.service_list = {} registry.functions_list = {} registry.working_flags = {} # Allow the tests to remove Registry entries but not the live system registry.running_under_test = 'nose' in sys.argv[0] registry.initialising = True return registry
[docs] def get(self, key): """ Extracts the registry value from the list based on the key passed in :param key: The service to be retrieved. """ if key in self.service_list: return self.service_list[key] else: if not self.initialising: trace_error_handler(log) log.error('Service {key} not found in list'.format(key=key)) raise KeyError('Service {key} not found in list'.format(key=key))
[docs] def register(self, key, reference): """ Registers a component against a key. :param key: The service to be created this is usually a major class like "renderer" or "main_window" . :param reference: The service address to be saved. """ if key in self.service_list: trace_error_handler(log) log.error('Duplicate service exception {key}'.format(key=key)) raise KeyError('Duplicate service exception {key}'.format(key=key)) else: self.service_list[key] = reference
[docs] def remove(self, key): """ Removes the registry value from the list based on the key passed in. :param key: The service to be deleted. """ if key in self.service_list: del self.service_list[key]
[docs] def register_function(self, event, function): """ Register an event and associated function to be called :param event: The function description like "live_display_hide" where a number of places in the code will/may need to respond to a single action and the caller does not need to understand or know about the recipients. :param function: The function to be called when the event happens. """ if event in self.functions_list: self.functions_list[event].append(function) else: self.functions_list[event] = [function]
[docs] def remove_function(self, event, function): """ Remove an event and associated handler :param event: The function description.. :param function: The function to be called when the event happens. """ if event in self.functions_list: self.functions_list[event].remove(function)
[docs] def execute(self, event, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute all the handlers associated with the event and return an array of results. :param event: The function to be processed :param args: Parameters to be passed to the function. :param kwargs: Parameters to be passed to the function. """ results = [] if event in self.functions_list: for function in self.functions_list[event]: try: result = function(*args, **kwargs) if result: results.append(result) except TypeError: # Who has called me can help in debugging trace_error_handler(log) log.exception('Exception for function {function}'.format(function=function)) else: trace_error_handler(log) log.error("Event {event} called but not registered".format(event=event)) return results
[docs] def get_flag(self, key): """ Extracts the working_flag value from the list based on the key passed in :param key: The flag to be retrieved. """ if key in self.working_flags: return self.working_flags[key] else: trace_error_handler(log) log.error('Working Flag {key} not found in list'.format(key=key)) raise KeyError('Working Flag {key} not found in list'.format(key=key))
[docs] def set_flag(self, key, reference): """ Sets a working_flag based on the key passed in. :param key: The working_flag to be created this is usually a major class like "renderer" or "main_window" . :param reference: The data to be saved. """ self.working_flags[key] = reference
[docs] def remove_flag(self, key): """ Removes the working flags value from the list based on the key passed. :param key: The working_flag to be deleted. """ if key in self.working_flags: del self.working_flags[key]